Political Charge

>> Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Meanwhile Jesus stood before the governor, and the governor asked him, "Are you the king of the Jews?" "Yes, it is as you say," Jesus replied. (Mat 27:11 NIV)


The Sanhedrin's charge of blasphemy would be meaningless to Pilate, so they accused Jesus of sedition in claiming to be a King, a political charge. Jesus admitted the charge. He was King, however in spiritual sense, as he explained to Pilate at John 18:36

Sahedrin - The great council of seventy elders among the Jews, whose jurisdiction extended to all important affairs. They received appeals from inferior tribunals, and had power of life and death.


Perhaps, this verse can explained why there is a person just hate me even I had done nothing wrong with him, but just because of my passion, fire and hunger for Jesus. He hate me without any significant reason and accuse me for 'unreasonable' or 'political' charges which is meaningless to me.


Father, I release that person to you and I choose to forgive him. I pray for him to come into the knowledge of your Son, Jesus Christ. Cover me by your precious blood Lord in Jesus name. Amen


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