When Heaven Coming Down to the Earth
>> Wednesday, March 25, 2009
52 The tombs broke open and the bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life. 53 They came out of the tombs, and after Jesus' resurrection they went into the holy city and appeared to many people. (Mat 27:52-53 NIV)
Observation and Application
Tombs were opened by earthquake and the bodies of saints were raise after Jesus' resurrection. These verse signifying that Jesus had conquered the grave, victory over death, broke the power of sin and death to bring us life. These saints testified to his victory over death in the holy city signify the believers of Jesus Christ will spent eternity in the very glory of His presence in the Kingdom of God. In this last day, where the knowledge of His glory being revealed to us and manifested upon the earth, and we can see the glimpse of answer of the Lord prayer two thousand years ago, 'Your Kingdom come, Your will be done..' We no need to wait until we die to enjoy the glory of His Kingdom. We can experience His glory right now down on the earth. When the Heaven coming down to the earth, all things are possible in the 'Glory' zone. Outrageous miracle, signs and wonders, healing and deliverance will broke out. The place will become Disease Free Zone and Demon Free Zone. The answer of our prayer will be accelerated, and prophecy that spoken many years ago will come to past in the glory zone. It's because there is no time and space in the Kingdom of God.
Father, we want to be your gateway, where the angels of God ascending and descending upon this temple. We want to be the carrier of your Glory and spread your glory throughout the earth. We pray for the open heaven in any meeting of believer so that we can touch you, know you, experience you in wider, deeper, higher, closer way in Jesus name.
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